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Team Assessment

Shining provides a professional team comprising Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologist, Speech & Language Therapists and Occupation Therapists to carry out comprehensive assessments through 5 dimensions, covering intelligence (IQ test), learning difficulties (e.g. Dyslexia, Attention Deficit), developmental issues (e.g. developmental delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder), language (e.g. comprehension or expression) and motor-coordination (e.g. handwriting, balance). With the contributions from different professionals on this comprehensive assessment, we are devoted to providing the most accurate and objective assessment result for every child, which let parents understand their children’s needs and strengths & weaknesses.  Following the assessment, there is a parents’ meeting with our professionals focusing on the child’s conditions, follow-up recommendations and an integrated overview of the abilities of your child.


With our comprehensive team assessment, you and your children may save time from looking around for different assessments at different places, and may further benefit from the appropriate follow-up treatments or therapies by the same team of professionals, who have already been familiar with your children’s needs during the assessments. Moreover, assessment results from different professions will be integrated into one personalized treatment plan that fits the needs of your children in different aspects.

Comprehensive Psycho-education Assessment and (IES) Individual Educational Strategies

Assessment time and diagnosis with clinical/educational psychologist, with a shining exclusive tailor made individual educational strategy, which includes: Assessments and diagnosis of special learning difficulties as well as their strength and weakness. (IQ, screening of Dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, etc.) Full report by clinical/educational psychologist and consultation with psychologist. Moreover, our psychologist will help you to discover the strength and weakness of your children, provide a tailor made individual educational strategy and educational plan according to accommodate children's needs based on the findings as well as suggesting you how to train or help your child.


For example, if your child's academic performance is not ideal. You think that it may because of the attention problem of the child, but the teacher has suggested that the child is very attentive at school, which shows that the problem is not about attention. Experts of Shining pointed out this is a common case, and parents sometimes only paid attention to the behavior of children but could not the find out the actual reason of the behavior. Experts believe that these reasons are difficult for parents to detect. There are many factors of children's unsatisfied academic performance. However, our experts can accurately identify problems based on the results of the assessment and. In fact, the child has no problem in attention, and he is performing well in reading and listening, but then our specialists might find that the organizational ability of the child has not reached the standard. Therefore, even if the child is attentive in school, because of they cannot integrate the information they received so that they could not understand the information they received and it results in unsatisfied academic results. According to that, our clinical psychologist or educational psychologist will address the problem and develop training strategies to enhance their organizational ability, such as training children to organize things, systematic training, etc. to improve their learning ability and academic performance.

Children and Adult IQ Test
  • An IQ test is used to assess children’s ability to recognize their cognitive skills, abstract thinking, logical reasoning, structure thinking, and problem solving by using standardized assessment tools in order to find out the strength of children in various abilities, and identify children with special needs. It enables parents to help developing and supporting their children, based on their characteristics.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterized difficulties with social interaction and communication, and sometimes by restricted and repetitive behavior. A comprehensive assessment process and involves gathering information from a range of sources to diagnose ASD, in particular around their social interactions, communication skills and demonstration of any atypical behaviors or interests.

Doctor and Patient
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder, characterized by

  • problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficult controlling behavior. Through diagnostic interviews, behavioral observation assessments, and professional assessment tools to diagnose people of different ages with under-concentration/hyperactivity.

Medical form with stethoscope
Dyslexia Assessment
  • Dyslexia is characterized by trouble with reading despite normal intelligence, problems may include difficulties in words spelling, reading quickly, writing words, "sounding out" words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what one reads. A diagnosis of dyslexia begins with the diagnostic interviews, behavioral observation assessments and through a series of tests of memory, spelling, vision, and reading skills.

Learn to Read
Hand-writing Assessment
  • A standardized assessment to assess children handwriting ability such as speed, legibility, fine motor skill, eye hand coordination, visual perceptual ability and other abilities similar to those required of students in the classroom.

Two Pens
Speech and language Assessment
  • Standardized assessment tools evaluate a child's strengths and weaknesses in different areas such as phonological processing, articulation, fluency, and pragmatic functioning.

Girl at School
Developmental Coordination Disorder Assessment (DCD)
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder Assessment (DCD) occurs when a delay in the development of motor skills, or difficulty coordinating movements, results in a child being unable to perform common, everyday tasks. Assessment includes a series of tests, for instance strength, balance, coordination and fine motor skills.

Kids Doing Homework
Infant/Toddler Developmental Screening and Assessment
  • This assessment is designed to identify children who are at risk for developmental problems so that their parents/caregivers can determine if the child should be referred for diagnostic assessment or evaluation. Child’s developmental domains such as motor, cognition, communication and social/ emotional abilities will be accessed through diagnostic interview with the parents and observation of the child by specialists.

Railroad Set
Sensory Integration Assessment
  • Sensory processing is the process that organizes sensation from one’s own body and the environment, thus making it possible to use the body effectively within the environment. It deals with how the brain processes multiple sensory modality inputs,[1][2] such as proprioception, vision, auditory system, tactile, olfactory, vestibular system, interoception, and taste into usable functional outputs. Assessment includes interview with parents/caregiver, observation of the children and test of their sensory functioning.

Playing in Nursery
Physiotherapy Motor Development Assessment / Physiotherapy Pediatric Gross Motor Assessment
  • Areas such as gross motor, fine motor, infant patterns of movement, postural reactions and balance will be tested in the assessment, determining if an infant’s or child’s motor development is within the expected range for age. We also provide assessment for clients who are 6 years old and above.

Young Ballet Class
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